Appeals / Call Centre
Run your appeals with live data and tallies. Integrated with your website using Profiler Web Services with real time analysis will give you complete control of your special event
Have 100% control of your appeal with data coming in from multiple sources, tagged, receipted and thanks all within minutes. Making your appeal run smoothly, from any location 24 x 7 with Profiler and RAPIDMatch technology
Accuracy and consistency is key in collecting information from clients – especially when you’re running a large appeal with multiple phone staffers. Profiler’s easy to use Call Centre Interface enables your phone answerers to find the record quickly, check that their details are correct and add new info, and/or create a new donor record.
Profiler’s powerful tools to help normalise data ensures consistency and accuracy in what data is entered and how. Helpful autofill will make sure suburb names and postcodes are all entered correctly. The Call Centre Interface can be customised so it’s set up to work for you and meet your specific needs.

Special Event Dashboard
A complete dashboard to manage your appeal. Handle matching and holding fund pools. Extra spends, master tally and displays. See all incoming payments to your appeal in RealTime

Have live tallyboards around your organisation or at home. Up-to-date stats, controllable displays, giving geolocation maps, and automatic count downs and displays

Kiosk Entry
Entry system for phone and volunteer operators to be able to quickly find, update (or create) clients and take payment to immediately be added to the tally for the appeal
Show your appeal tally with Profiler Web Services
Example: Our current tally is $5,291 which makes us 26% to target
All built in, out of the box. Contact us today for to let us show you how your appeals can go to the next level

Built in is hourly, daily and weekly analysis for your appeal. Breakdowns of giving, methods, clients by method and amount. Can be emailed hourly or daily.

Automated Tagging
Need to hold larger amounts for a Match or Top-Up pool? Profiler can tag each payment as it arrives and based upon your rules can add it immediately to the tally, or put it into a pool for you to add to the tally later.

Never forget a thank-you! Built in is a thank you screen with any comments entered (from Website or Call Centre). Once thanks, can be cleared from the list or flagged for further follow up.