Regular Payments
Memberships, Subscriptions, Regular Payments – whatever you call them – Profiler can handle this required life line for your organisation
Make it easy for your supporters to give regularly with automatic regular payments – whether that be a donation, payment for a service, subscription or memberships. Receive more donations and payments by giving supporters the flexibility to choose how often they give by direct debit or credit card.
Profiler’s regular giving automation allows multiple options for payment frequency, so clients can choose if their gift is transferred weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, and so on.

Subscription Centre
A one stop location for management and viewing your membership types, who is due to renew, who has lapsed

Automatic Renewals
Give your clients the option to have the payment automatically deduct on the due date. Set up a regular automatic payment with a supported Gateway and the deductions will happen and rollover.

Non Automatic Renewals
Send reminders to your members who don’t have automatic payments as the subscription is soon due. Both email and PDF based templates are supported to ensure your income continues to come in regularly.
Set up your membership types, Amounts and how often they are to be renewed and Profiler will do the rest.
Online Integration with Profiler Web Services means renewing online payments will be automatically rolled over to the next due date when paid.
Set up your payment gateway to automatically renew membership as they are due.
Send reminders that memberships are about to expire or have already expired via post or email using your templates and layout.

Overdue Management
One-Click on-screen reporting allowing you to see which of your members is overdue within a certain time frame for follow up or sending of a further renewal reminder

Allow the automatic adding and removing of mailing list subscriptions or role codes and other attributes as soon as membership is made active or inactive.

Membership Mailouts
Quickly communicate with your active membership base without the need for complex reporting. Generate PDF mail-outs or email mailouts from the Subscription Centre system.